Procedure Information

Your Procedure will be carried out in the Operating Theatre under X-Ray Conditions.

A letter will be sent to you from UPMC Whitfield approximately one week prior to your admissions.

  • You will be asked to fast from 12 midnight the night before you are admitted if you have  an early morning appointment, or from 6am if you have a late morning appointment.
  • Please take your usual medications on the morning of your admission EXCEPT if you are  on blood thinning medication and this will already have been discussed with you by Dr.  Patterson at your consultation.  
  • If you are a Diabetic, please take your usual diabetic medication and have a light  breakfast. You will have been given an early morning appointment.  
  • Bring a dressing gown and slippers with you for your comfort.  
  • On the day of admission, please proceed to the Admissions Desk, unless otherwise  advised, and you will be directed to the Day Ward where you will be admitted by a nurse  and a house doctor.  
  • You will have sedation for your procedure and an I.V. Cannula will be inserted into your  arm to facilitate this.  
  • You will be taken to the Operating Theatre where you will meet Dr. Patterson and his  nursing team. A Radiographer will also be present to assist with the x-ray imaging. Your  procedure will take approximately 20 minutes to an hour depending on the treatment  being carried out.
  • Following your treatment, you will be taken to the recovery room for a short observation  period before being transferred back to the Day Ward.
  • If you have had a procedure to your lower back, please be aware that you may have  temporary numbness in your leg following your treatment and you must exercise caution  when mobilising. You will not be discharged until the numbness wears off.
  • Flushing of face may occur for a short time due to the steroid use in your injection. This  is normal and will dissipate.
  • You will be discharged once you are fully recovered and the medical and nursing staff are  satisfied. The average length of stay is approximately 4-5 hours depending on the type of procedure.
  • As you will have had sedation, you will not be permitted to drive; you must arrange a lift  home following your treatment.
  • You should be able to return to work the day after your procedure.
  • You may experience some pain and tenderness over the area treated. You can continue  to take your usual pain medication.
  • Generally, it can take 2-3 weeks for the injection treatment to be effective.  

Please contact clinic secretary, Kristina if you have any questions or concerns
Telephone +353 (0)51 359945 or email